eDreams Prime

The world's largest travel membership

eDreams Prime is exclusive savings on flights, hotels and cars. Find a cheaper flight or hotel and we’ll pay you 2x the difference. That’s our best price guarantee, and only one of the reasons why over 7 million people travel with Prime.

Your eDreams Prime benefits at a glance

Save $100s on your flights, hotels and car rentals
$150+ monthly in exclusive flight and hotel promo codes
Book with Prime discounts for 4 friends and family
VIP customer support
Enjoy members-only sales and Prime Days
Freeze the price of
any flight for $1

Best price guaranteed on flights and hotels, or we’ll pay
2x the difference.


Prime is more than savings

How to join eDreams Prime

It's easy! Just follow these simple steps.

Step 1

Select your flight or hotel

Choose from 690+ airlines and 2 million+ rooms.

Step 2

Select the Prime fare

Choose the discounted Prime fare to begin your 15-day free trial and start saving instantly!

See what you can save with eDreams Prime

Real-life booking: Sydney - Melbourne

Price without Prime Prime Price Savings
Flight $219 $145 -$74
Hotel $361 $324 -$37
Car $382 $341 -$41
% Total saved -$152

Choose your plan

eDreams Prime offers two membership options to meet your travel needs.


Prime Plus
Save $100s on your flights, hotels and car rentals

Book with Prime discounts for 4 friends and family, even when you’re not travelling

$150+ monthly in exclusive flight and hotel promo codes on top of your Prime discounts

Enjoy members-only sales and Prime Days
Peace of mind
VIP customer support: we answer nearly every call within 60 seconds
Freeze the price of any flight for $1 to avoid paying more later

See why over 21 million customers trust us every year:


app icon

Download the eDreams app to have the perfect Prime experience.

Scan this QR code

Got questions about eDreams Prime? We've got answers!

  • eDreams Prime is not only the largest travel subscription program in the world, offering reduced fares on flights, hotels, and car rentals throughout the year, but it also provides invaluable flexibility and peace of mind to its members. To sign up, you'll need to make a flight or hotel booking first and add the subscription at the checkout. You will automatically be enrolled in our 15-day free trial. If you wish to cancel, you must do so within the 15-day trial period.
  • A Prime subscription lasts 12 months from the day of purchase.
  • You can enjoy unlimited access to your eDreams Prime benefits, offering exclusive discounts on flights, hotels, and car rentals, along with additional travel perks.
  • Yes, our Prime subscription also includes hotel and car rental discounts.
  • Yes, you can combine one or more of our discounts to boost your savings even further. Keep an eye out for our members-only sales and Prime Days, so you can get additional discounts or apply promo codes when booking.
  • Sure. You can book with Prime discounts for up to 9 friends and family, as long as you're travelling too. If you have Prime Plus, you can book for friends and family even if you’re not travelling. To book with Prime discounts, simply search for a flight or hotel and add the names of up to 4 people during the booking process. Remember to use the email linked to your Prime account when booking for others. The confirmation email will be sent to this address, so be sure to share it with your friends and family so they can start the countdown to their trip.
  • Yes, if you wish to sign up, you'll need to make a flight or hotel booking first and add the subscription at the check-out.
  • No, your eDreams Prime membership will automatically renew using the same payment method used when you subscribed. You can manage and update your payment information at any time in your account settings. For free trial users, your free trial for eDreams Prime begins at the time of booking. When the trial period ends, you will be charged the subscription fee using the most recent payment method used. If you don’t want to subscribe, please cancel before the free trial period ends.
  • We are so confident in our Prime prices that if you find something cheaper within 24 hours of booking your flight or hotel with us, we will refund you 2x the difference. Find out how to get your best price guarantee refund here.
  • The easiest and fastest way to cancel is by calling our customer service. The dedicated Prime Hotline number can be found in the "Profile" section of our app or under "My Prime Account" on our website.
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